AFSA Launches Improved Website, Database
By Darla J. Torres
Director of Communications The goal of developing a new website and upgrading the member database platform (iMIS20) was a big undertaking, but one that brings increased reach and capability to AFSA leaders and members. "The website is much more intuitive and engaging, and should help us attract new members," said Rob Frank, AFSA CEO. "The database upgrade will give chapters and divisions more efficient ways to manage their membership and the day-to-day business of the chapters." The launch was not without glitches. Twenty hours before the Jan. 15 "go live" target, AFSA Headquarters was informed by the contractor that several of the functions for the iMIS database would not be ready. Chief Operating Officer Mark Stevenson made the decision to launch anyway, to give the field the new website and those capabilities that were ready. "Essentially we still have work to do to bring all of the reporting functions and most importantly, the online Join/Renew function to the field," Stevenson said. "It's our top priority." Call HQ at 301-899-3500 and they can take the information over the phone. New Tool Available for Communicating with CongressThe legislative action tool known as CapWiz has been replaced. "VoterVoice" is the new platform and provides much more functionality than CapWiz. The new tool can be found on the front page of the website, as well as on the Legislative page. To use the tool:
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