Airmen Memorial Foundation (AMF): To date, over 1,861 scholarships have been awarded totaling over $2.5 million dollars.
Founded in 1983, the Airmen Memorial Foundation (AMF) is a not-for-profit charitable and educational assistance organization. Through our Mission Partners and personal contributions, the organization provides funds for worthy causes such as scholarships for enlisted Airmen’s children aged 23 and younger. In addition, the Foundation manages the AFSA scholarship programs and works with its Mission Partners to provide scholarships for special award recipients in support of the AFSA Professional Educational and Development Symposium. Funding to support AMF program services is derived principally from generous donors like you and during the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) drive. The AMF is listed under its national charity designation number 10517, permitting DoD personnel a way to support the AMF motto: Taking Care of Our Own. The Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) Scholarships programs, to include its auxiliary continuing education grant, provide funds for worthy causes such as scholarships for its members’ dependents children aged 23 and younger. The AFSA international continuing education grants scholarships are valued from $1,000 to $5,000 to students attending an accredited academic institution. To date, the Foundation along with its managed scholarship programs has provided over 2.5 million dollars in scholarship to Military dependent children.