WE ARE AFSA. Our Mission is to advocate for improved quality of life and economic fairness to support the well-being of ALL Enlisted Military Personnel and their Families Founded in 1961, the Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) legislates, advocates and educates America’s elected, military and community leaders in support of the quality of life for our 75,000+ military members and their families. As a federally chartered Veterans’ Service Organization, we are one of the few military associations able to lobby and provide face-to-face representation with our Nation’s Congressional and Military Leaders on Capitol Hill, and within the DoD and VA. When Congress wants the enlisted point of view, they ask AFSA. Our Legislative Priorities are specifically focused on issues that affect all enlisted corps and their families. We regularly meet with members of Congress and armed forces senior leaders to advocate for fair and equitable benefits including current benefit protection, pay raises, commissary/exchange funding, educational and employment opportunities for military spouses, education and tuition assistance, adequate healthcare services, TRICARE benefits and reimbursements, COLA adjustments, transition programs, care for survivors, POW/MIAs, and enhanced Veterans services.
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Our Military & Government Relations Team in Action