AFSA's Legislative Key Issues: Guard and Reserve
"When they return home from serving our country, our National Guard and Reserve members shouldn't have to be confronted with red tape in order to access the benefits they've earned fighting for our country."
- Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Updated as of 2/17/2021 - Visit again soon for ongoing updates!
Since 9/11, the United States has relied on our National Guard and Reserves to an almost unprecedented degree. Originally intended to perform as a strategic reserve for the active military in the circumstance a war extended longer and was more difficult than planned, National Guard and Reserve soldiers now participate in the earliest days of combat, homeland defense, international military coordination, civil support, and disaster relief.
In spite of the fact that service members from the Active and Reserve components often serve alongside one another, such as on deployments to disasters like wildfires, parity of benefits is not always guaranteed. Included in this edition of the 117th Congressional "Legislative List" is a compilation of legislative items pertinent to our Legislative Platform’s “Guard and Reserves” Focus Group. AFSA’s Legislative Lists serve as an effective key that will unlock the doors to a more receptive polity and well-informed populous. Support rendered to the legislative program by members of AFSA is essential to the success in reaching our goals. On the national level, well-timed letters, emails, and phone calls in response to solicited requests and calls for action can make the difference between legislative failure and success. On the local and state level, such communication is no less important. If you have any additional questions about any of the pieces of legislation contained in this Legislative List, please feel free to reach out to our Military and Government Relations Team at [email protected]. |