Legislative Awareness Week 2021:
Legislative Awareness Week 2021:
Since 1984, AFSA's Legislative Awareness Week has helped to increase member involvement in the democratic and legislative process.
Helping to establish our Association as each community's
leading advocate for service members past and present
and their families.
This year, you will have an opportunity to become an
Advocacy All-Star!
7 Days, 7 Focus Groups, 20+ Call to Actions,
4 Virtual Policy Panels, and More!
To join the fight for quality of life,
please scroll down.
To skip to the focus group of your choice, please select any of the following:
Day 1: Becoming an Advocacy All Star
Day 2: Pay, Compensation, and Allowances
Day 3: Education
Day 4: Healthcare
Day 5: Spouse and Family Support
Day 6: Concurrent Receipt
Day 7: Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention
Day 1: Becoming an Advocacy All Star
Grassroots advocacy makes it possible for citizens and organizations
to amplify their voice
and have a direct impact on the issues they care most about.
To learn more about AFSA's legislative priorities,
view a Policy Panel on how to be the best grassroots advocate you can be,
and protect the voting rights of service members worldwide,
please scroll down.
Policy Panel Day 1:
Chapter Legislative Resource:
AFSA's Legislative Accomplishments:
AFSA's Policy Advisor, Matthew Schwartzman,
D6 Legislative Trustee, CMSgt (Ret.) James "Jim" Lokovic, Anne Arundel County Council, Legislative Assistant, District 7, Matt Pipkin, Chapter 1550 President, MSgt Chris Ewers, and Chapter 1252 Legislative Trustee, Msgt Mishon Montgomery discuss how to navigate the legislative process, build an effective Legislative Program at the chapter level, and pull back the curtain on the world of policy. |
AFSA has registered lobbyists who work hard in Washington to improve the quality of life for service members past and present and their families. However, our Chapters also have an important role in the grassroots infrastructure that supports our Headquarters’ important work.
In this informational program, our M&G Team has provided a top level guide to assist you in building your chapter legislative program that will nicely compliment the Team's lobbying efforts. |
Did you know that Airmen who served 25 years ago did not have annual basic military pay raises tied to the economy, a GI Bill even close to as generous as that enjoyed today, 100 percent Tuition Assistance, Child Development Centers, protected allowances for subsistence and housing, and absentee Voting protection?
Our Legislative Committee has tracked AFSA's Legislative Accomplishments every year since 1992 so you can see how your current benefits have over the years to what they are today. |
AFSA's Legislative Platform:
AFSA's Legislative Platform Brochure:
Write your elected officials in support of the Reducing Barriers for Military Voters Act!
This legislation places UOCAVA active duty service members in a better position to have their ballots accepted when they vote. All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or here. |
Day 2: Pay, Compensation, and Allowances
AFSA fights to sustain military pay comparability with the private sector
and strengthen the purchasing power of special pays and allowances.
To learn more about 4 AFSA supported policies
and contact your elected officials asking for their support
of a more equitable compensation package,
please scroll down.
Legislative List:
Bill Biographies:
Become an Advocacy All-Star!One of the most common ways in which citizens communicate with their elected officials is my mail. Effective letter-writing to your elected officials is a simple yet impactful way of exercising your first amendment right to speech.
On our Action Center, your Military and Government Relations Team has already authored the letter for you! All you need to do is click send. Today, you have an opportunity to play a significant role in influencing the outcome of several AFSA supported bills and provisions in this fiscal year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Are you ready to join the fight for quality of life? Click on any of the Call To Actions provided below to play a part in improving the quality of life of service members past and present and their families. |
Write your elected officials in support of securing a 2.7& pay-raise!
All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/71707/respond Write your elected officials in support of the G&R Incentive Pay Parity Act!
All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88430/respond |
Write your elected officials in support of a more sufficient BAH!
All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88420/respond Write your elected officials in support of the Military Hunger Prevention Act!
All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88425/respond |
Day 3: Education
AFSA supports the promotion of future success by protecting hard-earned education benefits,
such as the Military Tuition Assistance Program (MilTA),
Post-9/11 and Montgomery GI Bill,
and Vocational Rehabilitation and Education Program (VR&E).
To learn more about 3 AFSA supported policies,
view a Policy Panel spotlighting the MilTA Program,
and contact your elected officials asking for their support
of military education,
please scroll down.
Policy Panel Day 3:
Legislative List:
Bill Biographies:
Write your elected officials to protect MilTA!
All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88433/respond |
Write your elected officials in support of the Advancing Toward Impact Aid Full Funding Act!
All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88442/respond |
Write your elected officials in support of the
Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act of 2021! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88445/respond |
Day 4: Healthcare
AFSA works to improve the quality and affordability
of the military healthcare benefit;
for those currently serving, retirees, and their families.
To learn more about 5 AFSA supported policies,
view a Policy Panel spotlighting TRICARE coverage of cranial remolding helmets,
and contact your elected officials asking for their support of
improvements to the TRICARE program,
please scroll down.
Policy Panel Day 4:
Legislative List:
Bill Biographies:
Write your elected officials to expand
TRICARE coverage for cranial remolding helmets! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88455/respond ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to take no more than 5-10 minutes to share your story on how TRICARE's coverage of the Dynamic Orthotic Cranioplasty (DOC) Band Post-Op device negatively impacted your family's quality of life with our Military and Government Relations Team, please visit our Action Center or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/Surveys/7294/Respond |
Write your elected officials to support the
Health Care Fairness for Military Families Act! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88456/respond Write your elected officials to support the
TRICARE Fairness for Nat'l Guard & Reserve Retirees Act! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88461/respond |
Write your elected officials to support the
TRICARE Select Restoration Act! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88459/respond Write your elected officials to support the Healthcare for Our Troops Act of 2021!
All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88457/respond |
Day 5: Spouse and Family Support
AFSA stands firm with the military maxim "you recruit a service member, but you retain a family."
To learn more about 3 AFSA supported policies
and contact your elected officials asking for their support of
increasing military spouse employment opportunities,
improving childcare quality and affordability,
and enhancing survivor support,
please scroll down.
Legislative List:
Bill Biographies:
Become an Advocacy All-Star!One of the most common ways in which citizens communicate with their elected officials is my mail. Effective letter-writing to your elected officials is a simple yet impactful way of exercising your first amendment right to speech.
On our Action Center, your Military and Government Relations Team has already authored the letter for you! All you need to do is click send. Today, you have an opportunity to play a significant role in influencing the outcome of several AFSA supported bills and provisions in this fiscal year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Are you ready to join the fight for quality of life? Click on any of the Call To Actions provided below to play a part in improving the quality of life of service members past and present and their families. |
Write your elected officials to support the
Jobs and Childcare for Military Families Act! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88463/respond |
Write your elected officials to support the
Military Retiree Survivor Comfort Act! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88465/respond |
Write your elected officials to support the
Military Child Care Expansion Act! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88481/respond |
Day 6: Concurrent Receipt
Extending full concurrent receipt of
military retired pay and VA disability compensation
is a leading legislative priority for AFSA.
To learn more about 3 AFSA supported policies,
and contact your elected officials asking for their support
of concurrent receipt legislation pending before Congress,
please scroll down.
Legislative List:
Bill Biographies:
Write your elected officials to support the
Major Richard Star Act! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88513/respond |
Write your elected officials to support the
Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88573/respond |
Write your elected officials to support the
Retired Pay Restoration Act! All it takes is two-clicks. To visit our Action Center, either click the "Call to Action" button above or: https://www.votervoice.net/AFSA/campaigns/88574/respond |
Day 7: Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention
AFSA advocates in support of the tools necessary
to better prevent sexual harassment and assault in the military.
To learn more about policy proposals pending before Congress and DoD,
watch a Policy Panel spotlighting how to better enforce zero tolerance,
and better understand the recent work of the
Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military,
please scroll down.
Policy Panel Day 7:
Recommendations from the Independent Review Commission (IRC) on Sexual Assault in the MilitaryThe IRC made 82 recommendations in four priority areas: accountability; prevention; climate and culture; and victim care and support.
Key themes of the report recognized both strengths and areas for improvement; recognizing dedicated leaders and a desire to engage; and emphasizing the need to promote climates of dignity and respect, investing in knowledgeable sexual assault responders and the strong need for proper resources and training. |
Guidance On the IRC's Recommendations from the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin IIIOn July 2, 2021, the Department of Defense (DoD) released the Secretary's guidance on, and the recommendations from, the Independent Review Commission (IRC) on Sexual Assault in the Military.
To learn more, please click on the official MEMORANDUM provided on the bookshelf above. |